Israel Programs

Shorashim (Roots) - שורשים
Participants will a course called Sipur Ami on a variety of subjects that fall within the themes of Jewish History, Zionism and Israeli society. They are lead by experienced educators in these fields, including Habonim Dror bogrimot (graduates) from around the world who have extensive experience in hadracha (leadership) and how to educate youth. They are joined by external educators and various guest speakers from around the country. This educational process utilizes a wide variety of methodologies including excursions to relevant sites, electives (special interest groups), and peer-led projects. Participants also engage in an ulpan, where they will gain practical Hebrew skills to aid in their messima (service-learning volunteering) placements during the second half of the program, Anafim.
A unique component of the Workshop program is agriculture. During Shorashim, participants will volunteer in agriculture, contributing to Israeli society and its economy. By integrating agricultural work into the program, participants connect to the land of Israel, bring conversations about Israel and Labor-Zionism into the practical lens, engage in meaningful avodah (work), and learn about Israeli agriculture today and in the past.
Throughout the Shorashim period there will be also number of weekend excursions that include tiyulim (hiking trips) and seminars.
Shorashim means 'Roots' in Hebrew, and aims to sets the foundations for rest of the program. During Shorashim, participants live on Kibbutz, giving them the opportunity to experience the Kibbutz way of life and values while learning in a more intimate, close-knit setting. This formative period is also an ideal setting for participants to bond as a group and create new friendships.

Week at a Glance

Ulpan (Hebrew Learning)
Sipur Ami (Jewish and Zionist History courses)
Yom Kvutza
Day of Programming Facilitated by Madrichimot (Counselors)
Siyurim (Day Tours)
Ulpan Hebrew Learning)
Spend Shabbat on Kibbutz, Travel with the Group, or Participate in a Seminar

Seminars on Shorashim
During Shorashim, Workshop participants have the opportunity attend several seminars. Each seminar will delve into a different topic and challenge each participant with its themes, values and content. Seminars include:
Rabin (חשבון וזיכרון) Israeli Assembly: Workshop participants will learn about the life and legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, while exploring the values of peace and democracy in Israeli society and around the globe. Participants will also gather alongside other Israeli youth movements to participate in roundtable discussions on topics such as nationalism, extremism, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and use what they learn throughout the seminar to discuss Israel's future direction, and how they want to be a part of shaping this future.
Habonim Dror Hagshama History Seminar: Workshop participants will learn about the early and developmental history of Habonim Dror, and look into the movement's future and direction. Participants will meet many Habonim Dror alumni from different countries who have come to Israel, and hear about their lives and stories.